perm filename SL25.XGP[TLK,DBL] blob sn#201939 filedate 1976-02-14 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
␈↓ d␈↓↓␈↓ βO␈↓&A Typical Heuristic Rule␈↓)αβ

␈↓ d␈↓↓␈↓&IF␈↓)αβ

␈↓ d␈↓↓X is a predicate
␈↓ d␈↓↓        AND
␈↓ d␈↓↓Effort has been spent looking for examples of X
␈↓ d␈↓↓        AND
␈↓ d␈↓↓The ratio of examples to non-examples is < .01

␈↓ d␈↓↓␈↓&THEN␈↓)αβ

␈↓ d␈↓↓Add this new job to the agenda:

␈↓ d␈↓↓        (Generalize  Definitions of X)

␈↓ d␈↓↓The reason is:  "X is too rarely satisfied"
␈↓ d␈↓↓The reason's numeric value is
␈↓ d␈↓↓       the ratio of non-examples to examples of X
␈↓ d␈↓↓       ␈↓β(or 1000; whichever is smaller)␈↓↓